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Achieving success........ Poem in 100 words

Achieving success

Essay 1

It has rightly been remarked that nothing succeeds lie success. We all have an inherent desire to be successful in our lives. But what actually success is?  Success is another name for happiness. Fame and wealth are not the only parameters for it. The internal peace,satiety is what actually meant by success. Success smiles at those who are industrious, self-reliant and adventurous. Perseverance and Persistence go long way into turning a labour into success. It s truly quoted that success needs 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. Misuse of time is great bane. It is bound to throw you out 0f the race in which millions trudge just for the same one goal! Therefore appropriate time management along with dedication towards goal is the key to success. We can't go back in time. Let's use the power of NOW to make a new start which will lead to a legacy of goodness as we go forward.....

Essay 2

Everyone perceives the term 'success' with various perspectives. Some just day dream about it while other work hard for it. For somebody it may  be getting Good grades in their educational institutes, getting a job they want, achieving fame or earning a large sum of money. But eventually we all realize it is the inner peace and satisfaction when one feels after a series of hard work. In this series of hard work, everyone learns to face complications and how to overcome with them with your utmost strength and grace. In simple words, these are struggles which lead us to a stage of life which is ultimately our goal

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