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Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 13 Hydrocarbons Notes


Hydrocarbons  are composed of Carbon and hydrogen.

 The  important  fuels  like  Petrol,  kerosene,  coal  gas,  CNG,  LPG  etc.  are  all hydrocarbons or their mixture. Sources:
Petroleum and natural gas are the major sources of aliphatic hydrocarbon while coal is an important source of aromatic hydrocarbons. The oil trapped inside the rocks is known as petroleum. PETRA – ROCK, OLEUM – OIL. The oil in the petroleum field is covered with a gaseous mixture known as natural gas. The main constituents of the natural gas are methane, ethane, propane and butane.



       structure of ethen                    structure of methen

Cycloalkanes  Cycloalkenes  Cycloalkynes C–C bond
  Chemically unreactive
  Show chain, position and optical isomerism.
   Heptane has 9 isomer, Octane 18 and Decane 75. Nomenclature:


Wurtz reaction

Follow mainly free radical mechanism


Useful              in              preparing
even number of carbon atomsStepping up reaction



Frankland reaction

frankland reaction
From Grignard reagent (RMgX)

Sabatier-Senderens reduction

4. From carboxylic acids :- Decarboxylation

carboxylic acids Decarboxylation

Physical Properties:-


(1) Nature:- Non-Polar due to covalent nature of C—C bond and C—H bond. C— C bond enrgy = 83 kj/mole and C—H bond energy = 99 kj/mole. C1—C4 = gases, C5—C17 = colourless odourless liq uid and > C17 = Solid.
(2) Solubility :- Like dissolve like Viz, Polar compounds dissolve in polar solvent and Non-Polar compound dissolve in non polar solvent.

(3) Boiling point :- Low boiling point due to non polar in nature The molecules are held together only by weak Van der Waalls’ forces.
Since we known that the magnitude of Van der Waalls’ forces is directly proportional to the molecular size. Therefore, the boiling point increases with increase the molecular size i.e. with increase in number of carbon atoms.
Noted :- the boiling points of the branched chain Alkanes are less than the straight chain isomers.
This is due to the fact that branching of the chain makes the molecule more compact and thereby decreases the surface aria and consequently, the magnitudes of Van der Waalls’ forces also decrease.

n-penatne (boling point =309k

iso penatne
iso- pentane boling point =301 k


neo pentane
neo-pentane boling point = 280.5 k

regular variation with ven number of carbon atoms having higher melting point a 2O2  CO2   2H2O lkanes having immediately next lower and immediately next higher odd number of carbon atoms.

Chemical properties

chemical properties

Noted :- Iodination is a reversible reaction. So it is carried out by heating alkane in the presence of some oxidizing agent like iodic acid (HIO3) or nitric acid (HNO3) or mercuric oxide (HgO) which oxidizes HI formed during the reaction.

oxidizes HI formed during the reaction

Noted :- Fluorination of alkane takes place explosively resulting even in the rupture of C—C bond in higher alkanes.

Features of Halogenations:-

(i) The reactivity of Halogens:- F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2.
(ii) The rate of replacement of Hydrogens of alkanes is :-
 3° > 2° > 1°

Features of Halogenations

Mechanism :- halogenations reaction take place by free radical mechanism. The reaction proceeds in the following steps : Initiation
(i) Chain initiation step:-

Chain initiation step

(ii) Chain Propagation step :-

Chain Propagation step

(iii)       Chain Termination step :-

Chain Termination step


• The reaction takes places by free radicals mechanism at high temp (450oC).

• At high temp C—C bond is also broken so that mixture of nitroalkanes is obtained.

mixture of nitroalkanes is obtained

reaction occurs
hydrogen atom of alkane by –SO3H group

the reaction occurs

reaction occurs it


This method is also called dehydrogenation or hydroforming
Similarly, heptane gives toluene, n-Octane give o-xylene and 2, methyl heptane give m-xylene.

bottomThermal decomposition or Pyrolysis or cracking or Fragmentation: - when higher alkanes are heated at high temp (about 700-800k) in the presence of alumina or silica catalysts, the alkanes break down to lower alkanes and alkenes.

CH3-CH2-CH3    CH3-CH-CH2  +  CH3-CH3    +   C2H4      +   CH4

black dotAction of steam :-  catalyst:  nickel, alumina Al2O3 1000 oC CH4   +  H2O(Steam)       CO + 3H2

This reaction is used for the industrial preparation of hydrogen from natural gas.
8. Isomerisation :-



The different molecular arrangements arising as a result of rotation around carbon carbon single bonds are called conformational isomers or rotational isomers and the phenomenon is called conformational isomerism.
Numerous possible arrangements of ethane are possible. Two extreme conformations are known. These are eclipsed conformation and staggered conformation.






• Unsaturated hydrocarbon which have double bond.
• General molecular formula CnH2n
• C–C bond hybridization 1.34 A0
• sp2 hybridization
• When we treated Alkene with chlorine, oily products are obtained. So Alkenes are also known as Olefins. (Greek olefiant meaning oil forming).
• Show chain, positional and geometrical isomerism

  Structure of  double bond:


➣ Preparation:-

1. From Alkynes :- Alkynes on partial reduction with Partially deactivated palladised charcoal known as Lindlar’s catalyst give alkynes.



2. From Haloalkanes : - dehydrohalogenation
(E2 or 1,2-elimination or Bita-elimination)


Haloalkane dehydrohalogenation

  predominant formation of a substituted alkene is formed according to Saytzeff’s rule

Saytzeff's rule

3. From Dihaloalkane s: - dehalogenation

Dihaloalkanes dehalogenation

4. From Alcohols: - Dehydration

Alcohols Dehydration

 Chemical Properties:-

Addition of Hydrogen
Addition of Halogens

(Brown colour)                (Colourless)

dot Addition Reaction:- Alkene show electrophilic addition reaction .
1. Addition of Hydrogen:-

3. Addition of hydrogen halides :- Addition reaction of HBr to symmetrical alkenes
Addition of hydrogen halidesAddition reaction of HBr to unsymmetrical alkenes takes place according to Markovnikov Rule

Markownikov rule :-

negative part of the addendum (adding molecule) gets attached to that carbon atom which possesses lesser number of hydrogen atoms. e g

possesses lesser number of hydrogen atoms

Peroxide effect or Kharasch (Anti Markownikoff’s addition) :-

In 1933 Kharasch and Mayo observed that when HBr is added to an unsymmetrical double bond in the presence of organic peroxide, the reaction take places opposite to the Markovnikov rule.

presence of organic peroxide

peroxide effect is applicable only to HBr and not to HF, HCl

Noted:- peroxide effect is applicable only to HBr and not to HF, HCl and HI. Addition of HF, HCl and HI takes place according to Markovnikov’s rule even in the presence of peroxide.

4. Addition of water (Hydration) :- Acid catalyzed addition of water

Addition of water (Hydration)

dark dot Oxidation:-

1.Combustion :- CO2 + H2 O
2.Hydroboration–oxidation :- Alkanes react with diborane to form trialkyl boranes which on oxidation with alkaline H2O2 give alcohols.

oxidation with alkaline H2O2 give alcohols


Oxymercuration demercuration

4.Oxidation with potassium permanganate:-

Oxidation with potassium permanganate

  This reaction is also called Hydroxylation
  Cis product I.e. cis-diol is obtained.
Noted :- The alkaline potassium permanganate solution is known as Baeyer’s reagent. It has bright pink colour. It oxidizes alkenes to glycols which is colourless. This reaction is used as a test for the presence of double bond in a molecule. This is also known as Baeyer test.

oxidizes alkenes to glycols

☺Oxidation with Ozone :- Ozonolysis – give carbonyls compounds

Oxidation with Ozone

Noted:- Bromine water test and Baeyer’s test are used to detect the presence of double bond while ozonolysis is used to detect the position of double bond.


• Unsaturated hydrocarbon which have triple bond.
• General molecular formula CnH2n–2
• sp hybridization
• Shows chain, positional and functional isomerism
• Preparation:-
From vicinal dihalides : - dehalogenation


By the action of water on calcium carbide:-

action of water on calcium carbide

➣ Chemical Properties:-
left side arrow  Addition Reaction:- Alkyne show electrophilic addition reaction
1.  Addition of Hydrogen:- Hydrogenation.


Noted:- It may be noted that the hydrogenation can be controlled at the alkene stage only. This is possible by using a Lindlar’s catalysts or sodium in liquid NH3 at 200k temp..
Noted:- It may be again noted that the catalytic reduction of alkynes in the presence of Lindlar’s catalyst gives cis-alkenes while in the presence of sodium in liquid NH3 (Birch reduction) gives trans-alkenes.

reduction of alkynes

2.Addition of Halogens:-

Addition of Halogen

3.Addition of hydrogen halides:-

Addition of hydrogen halides

4.Addition of water (Hydration):- Acid catalyzed addition of water

Acid catalyzed addition of water.

5. Polymerisation-
a. Linear polymerisation: of ethyne gives polyacetylene or polyethyne which is a high molecular weight polyene containing repeating units of (CH = CH – CH = CH ) and can be represented as —(CH = CH – CH = CH)n — b. Cyclic polymerization- results in the formation of aromatic compound.

Cyclic polymerization

Acidity of Alkynes- Terminal alkynes are acidic in nature

Acidity of Alkynes
Terminal alkynes are acidic in nature

Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes follow the following trend in their acidic behaviour :

alkenes and alkynes.


Aromatic compounds containing benzene ring are known as benzenoids and those not containing a benzene ring are known as non-benzenoids. Structure of Benzene- Kekulé structure

Kekule structure

Resonance and stability of benzene-Benzene is a hybrid of various resonating structures.

Resonance and stability of benzene

The orbital overlapping picture benzene- All the six carbon atoms in benzene are sp2 hybridized and these hybrid orbitals form sigma bonds.

orbital overlapping picture benzene

The unhybridised p orbital of carbon atoms are close enough to form a π bond by lateral overlap.

unhybridised p orbital of carbon atoms

The six π electrons are thus delocalised and can move freely about the six carbon nuclei. The delocalised π electron cloud is attracted more strongly by the nuclei of the carbon atoms than the electron cloud localized between two carbon atoms. Therefore, presence of delocalised π electrons in benzene makes it more stable .


The compounds that follow the following features are to be considered aromatic.
(i) Planarity
(ii) Complete delocalisation of the π electrons in the ring
(iii) Presence of (4+ 2) Ï€ electrons in the ring where is an integer (= 0, 1, 2, . . .). This is often referred to as Hückel Rule

Preparation of Benzene

(i) Cyclic polymerisation of ethyne
(ii) Decarboxylation of aromatic acids

Cyclic polymerisation of ethyne

(iii) Reduction of phenol: Phenol is reduced to benzene by passing its vapours over heated zinc dust

Reduction of phenol

Physical properties:

1. Aromatic hydrocarbons are non- polar molecules and are usually colourless liquids or solids with a characteristic aroma.
2. Aromatic hydrocarbons are immiscible with water but are readily miscible with organic solvents.
3. They burn with sooty flame.

Chemical properties

Arenes are characterised by electrophilic substitution reactions proceed via the following three steps:
(a) Generation of the eletrophile
(b) Formation of carbocation intermediate
(c) Removal of proton from the carbocation intermediate

chemical properties
benzene ontreatment with excess of chlorine in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 in dark yields hexachlorobenzene (C6Cl6)


Addition reactions of benzene-

cyclohexane and benzene hexachloride

Directive influence of a functional group in monosubstituted benzene:-
1. Ortho and para directing groups and activating :- –OH, –NH2, –NHR, –NHCOCH3, –OCH3, –CH3, –C2H5, etc.

Ortho and para directing groups and activating

2. Meta directing group and deactivating:–NO2, –CN, –CHO, –COR, –COOH, –COOR, –SO3H, etc.

Meta directing group and deactivating

3. Ortho and para directing groups and deactivating :- Halogens because of their strong – I effect, overall electron density on benzene ring decreases. However, due to resonance the electron density on o– and p– positions is greater than that at the m-position. Hence, they are also o– and p– directing groups

CARCINOGENICITY AND TOXICITY-Benzene and polynuclear hydrocarbons containing more than two benzene rings fused together are toxic and said to possess cancer-producing (carcinogenic) property.

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