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Work From Home - Creating a Blog 2021


Work From Home - Creating a Blog 2021

Blogging a popular pastime today. The most popular blogs can have hundreds of thousands of readers at their best, and bloggers ’activities are closely monitored from across the world. For these people, blogging is the main livelihood and even a simple way to get rich.

Creating a blog is simply 2 minutes of work like cooking Maggie, but creating a good blog is not. Only a few blogs stand out from the huge offerings, and even fewer are really worth the money ( Work From Home )

However, making money with blogging is not impossible. If you build your blog properly with quality content, you can easily get at least a nice extra income or free products with it. Also, you get to spend time on topics that interest you.

On what topic would I start a blog?

The most important & crucial thing in setting up a blog is choosing a topic. If at some point you want to make money on your blog, it can’t deal diary-like with anything that comes to mind.

Choose a blog topic by honestly thinking about what you are interested in from year to year and from different lawsuits. Maybe you feel a burning passion for vintage cars or do you want to share food or travel by train? You can actually draw on a blog topic from any area, as long as you have something original to say about it.

Once a topic has been selected, you should also take a moment to narrow it down. If you decide to set up a blog about vintage cars, for example, you probably won’t be able to grab a very large amount of attention from your readers. But if you limit the topic to Indian-made sports cars or 50s American irons, for example, your blog is guaranteed to make you roar in just the right circles. ( Work From Home )

Why do you want to write a blog?

Before setting up a blog, it’s a good idea to consider your own motives. If you want to primarily share your experiences and spark a conversation, you don’t have to place too much emphasis on commercial issues in the design, such as possible banner advertising.

Of course, even a non-commercial blog can prove to be worth the money. For example, if you write an expert blog about your own professional field, your blog will be a good way to show your professionalism. So you might be able to get lucrative job offers with a blog, for example - whether you’re a freelancer working remotely or an employee scorching “regular” paid work.

An appropriate name helps in marketing

A properly chosen name is an important part of setting up a blog - especially in its early stages. Once the topic is appropriately narrowed, the purpose of your blog title is to convey it to the reader at once.

Take vintage cars as an example. If you decided to write about old Indian irons within this topic, the title of the blog could be, for example, “Iron-tooth bites and the roar of a water cup”.

If your blog is titled “Talking About Old Cars,” the blog is unlikely to attract readers beyond your most polite circle of friends and relatives. And if, for example, you want to earn affiliate commissions or gift cards to spare parts stores on your blog, you’ll probably want a slightly wider sample of visitors.

Once you come up with a concise and nasty name, be sure to check immediately that the name is not already in use. For example, if you base your blog on a free platform and later want to reserve your own domain name for your blog, it will be unfortunate if the domain has already been grabbed. In that case, someone else will, in the worst case, benefit from your work. The booking status of Indian .in codes can be checked on the Hostinger website.

With your own personality or brand?

You don't have to write a blog with your own name. Sure, bringing in your own personality gives the blog credibility and depth, but even some successful blogs are based on a nickname or a vaguely defined person behind the blog posts.

Selecting a platform

Before the first blog post, you need to choose a platform for your own blog. There are plenty of options from paid and personalized platforms to free blogging services, and each of them, of course, includes a long slip of technical specialties. However, don’t be discouraged - the choice is easy by taking a moment to consider a couple of things.

If you need a little more leeway in designing your blog, you can find it on You can choose from a layout of over 500 different options, and you can build pages using drag-and-drop. Each element can also be customized if desired. also offers tools for search engine optimization, and also, you can make your blog as mobile-friendly as possible.

A relatively comprehensive and versatile free version of the service is available. However, if you want to associate your site with your own domain, you will need to upgrade your page to a paid version.


Blogger is a completely free blogging service owned by Google. You only need a Google ID to use it, but you can also associate your own domain with the service if you wish. The downside of Blogger is the weaker personalization ability than WordPress, but the benefits are free and easy to use. Blogger is a handy service for starting a blog and building a blog around a project.


WordPress is a very popular website publishing system today, but in fact, it was originally developed as a blogging platform. There are two different versions of WordPress: open-source and commercial

Using WordPress always requires at least a small financial investment, but the publishing system can be correspondingly completely personalized to your own domain and your own ad slots. Using WordPress requires some technical familiarity and knowledge. However, the basics are absorbed very quickly. Choose WordPress if you plan to build a brand for your blog and leave room for growth for your business.

Blog communities

Various blogging communities often offer completely free platforms for blogging. In addition to easy-to-use platforms, you will benefit from a network of other blogs on the same service that tends to focus on a similar theme. This makes it easy for the blog to quickly get readers and possibly commercial partners as well.

The downside of blogging community platforms is poor customizability, meaning a blog should not be personalized. Often, the blog cannot be moved elsewhere if it wishes but must be re-established. The blogging community is suitable for small-scale and side-by-side blogging.

Blog layout

When building a look, it’s a good idea to keep ice in your hat. Often, ready-made themes are a pretty good option - at least if your blog doesn’t deal with graphic design, for example. Too much gimmick is usually an effective way to shoot yourself in the leg, so focus on keeping your blog clear and easy to read.

Also, be sure to pay attention to responsiveness. An increasing number of people are primarily using mobile devices, i.e. either mobile phones or tablets, to browse the internet. You hardly want to exclude these large groups of users from your blog, so keep image upload times humane and pages scalable.

Blog text

Then nothing but to write posts. It’s a good idea to spend time on the first posts of the blog as they will form the basis of the entire blog. Carefully consider the content and structure of the posts and outline the text before writing. For example, you can list things in a song with Bollywood lines under each heading. The style of consciousness flow can be functional in experimental prose, but rarely in blog posts.

NEVER start with “Hello, this is my first post” style. Write the publication topic above and keep each sentence substantive. Also, remember the humor - it lightens the text and encourages the reader to move on.

Always read the text critically before publishing it. Correct hyphens and correct inconsistent thought structures. If you yourself get stuck at a point in the text, fix it - other readers are guaranteed to stumble into clumsiness in the same way.

Blog illustration

It's usually a good idea to include pictures in your blog posts. Personal blogs written in a more relaxed way can work just fine with self-captured images, but the best illustrations can be found in image banks. Free image banks are handy, but they are used by many others. If you want to create really high quality and unique content, you can find the answer in paid image banks.

The structure of the blog can also be lightened and clarified with infographics and other small means that break the text mass. Videos that support the topic also add value to the blog. Always remember to consider copyright.

Increase visibility

When a blog starts to have a few posts to read, you can start sharing your blog links on social media and blog portals.

Search engine optimization is an important factor in the visibility of your blog. Search Engine Optimization is not rocket science, but a fairly easy thing to internalize. At its simplest, it’s just about creating quality and interesting content. When your blog is full of informative and interesting content, people make links to it that improve search engine visibility quite voluntarily.

You can also consciously build content around some important keywords. The search potential of different keywords can be explored with many different programs.

How can you make money with a blog?

A blog can make you money in many different ways. Making money is, of course, easier with a large readership, so the easiest way to tune your blog to earn money is to create a lot of quality and engaging content there.

1. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you to make big or small ₹ on your blog. The idea of ​​affiliate marketing is to include links to your blog that lead to the page of one of your affiliates. When a reader who comes through your blog buys a product or service from a company, you get a slice of the value of the trade to yourself. You can read more about affiliate marketing here.

The affiliate links included in your blog must serve your readers and are substantially related to the topic of your blog. Otherwise, your followers will smell the “burnt roar,” and your blog will lose credibility.

2. Ads and banners

Another easy way to earn a little extra income with a blog is to put banner ads on your page. If your blog has a clear target group (e.g. old Indian iron enthusiasts mentioned earlier), you can contact the stores that sell spare parts and tuning materials for these cars and suggest that they buy ad space on your site, for example, at a fixed monthly price. Depending on the number of visitors, you can earn a good amount of money a month with this method.

Smaller amounts can be obtained, for example, through Google AdSense. By creating an account with the Service, you authorize Google to display a variety of ads that are of interest to your readers in your placements. There is money in your account every time a reader clicks on an ad.

3. Business cooperation

Are you most interested in getting a pile of free products instead of big money? Business cooperation is a handy way to do this. If your blog is still in its infancy, you’ll probably need to contact the companies themselves and suggest some kind of collaborative pattern - in effect, you’ll promise to tell us about the products you’ve received in one of your blog posts.

As your blog starts to get more visitors, packages may start popping up in your inbox without even asking. The most popular bloggers get products in such huge quantities that they didn’t even have time to test them all.

So let's start Work From Home - Creating a Blog 2021 in your interested field. If you have any questions or want to give feedback feel free to comment in the comments field below. It's even desirable!

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