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Essay on Science and Technology in 500 words for students and parents


We live in a world driven by technology — hardly anyone would argue with you if you said this. Technology, literally meaning the “science of craft”, refers to the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used to produce goods or services or for accomplishing objectives such as scientific investigation. Technology can be embedded in machines enabling them to be used by people even without a detailed knowledge of their inner workings. Technological growth is closely linked to the expansion of scientific research and knowledge. In the last 50 years, thanks to the exponential increases in computing power and microchip design and manufacture, there has been unprecedented innovation and technological growth in nearly every field of human endeavour from health and transport to industrial production and education.

Advancement of technology?

Since the invention of the wheel to the use of microchips in computers and mobiles, technology has come a long way. The man has reached the moon and explored the outer space just because of the advancement in the aeronautics field. Even in primitive occupations such as agriculture, there have been so many technological advancements with modern tools such as traction engine and steam tractor technology which has helped us make progress.Although there have been countless examples where technology has changed our lives, there are some which are considered as revolutions for mankind. The technology used in the field of robotics in one such fine example. Nowadays robots are being used by people and industries all over the world for various purposes.

  • Importance of technology?

Technology has its own importance in our lives. Without technological advancements, our lives would not have been simpler and faster. The modernisation that the world is witnessing today has all been possible because of the technological developments in different fields. Moreover, it has helped in reducing the risks people had to undertake in many sectors such as mining. With new tools available, the tasks are less risky and are more efficient as well.

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