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What is Universe.... all information about universe...Universe images


What is Universe?

The universe is a huge wide open space that hold everything from the smallest particle to the biggest galaxy. No one knows just how big the Universe is. Astronomers try to measure it all the time. The use a special instrument called spectroscope to tell whether an object is moving away from Earth of towards the Earth. Scientist believe that about 13.7 billion years ago, a powerful explosion called the Big Bang happened. This powerful explosion set the universe in motion and this motion continues even today. Scientists are not yet sure if the motion will stop, change direction or keep going forever.

Parts of Universe:-

·        The Solar System:
The Solar System consists of sun, 8 planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets and meteors.

·        Sun:
The sun is a huge, glowing ball at the centre of our solar system. The sun provide light, heat and other energy to earth. The sun made up entirely of gas.

·        Planets:
Our solar system consist of sun, eight planets, moons etc. the sun is the centre of the solar system. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earht, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

·        Natural Satellites:
An object which revolves around a planet is called satellites. Our Earth's natural satellites is Moon.

·        Comets:
They are heavenly object which revolve round the sun like planets but have a very long period of revolution.

·        Meteors and Meteorites:
Meteors are small heavenly object moving round the sun. Sometimes, meteors of greater size reach the Earth without getting brunt and then these are called meteorites.

·        Asteroids:
Asteroids are small heavenly object that lies between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.

·        Stars:
Each star in the sky is an enormous glowing ball of gas. Our sun is a medium-sized star. Stars can live for billions years.

·        Galaxy:
A Galaxy is any large scale system of stars, gases, dust and plasma within the universe. Galaxy is of different size and shape. Our Galaxy is called Milky Way Galaxy.

·        Constellation:
A constellation is a group of stars which are seen from Earth, form a pattern. The star in the sky are divided into 88 constellations.

·        Pole star:
This is a star which is seen directly above the North Pole on the axis of rotation of the Earth. All constellation appears to revolve around the Pole Star.

·        Artificial Satellites:
Artificial Satellites are man-made vehicles launched by rockets into the orbit around the earth. All the Artificial Satellites have a finite life and will eventually burn like meteors.

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