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How to Increase traffic on Blog 5 QUICK STEPS 2020


In this article we look at how to increase blog traffic: below, you’ll find 5 really simple steps you can take to generate a MUCH larger readership for your posts.

1. Find the right writer! (Hint: that might not be you)

At the heart of getting your blog noticed, and driving lots of traffic to it, is writing really great content – and that content is going to be much better if the person writing it is both knowledgeable and passionate about what they are writing about

2. Use keyword research to identify good topics to blog about

It's really easy to sit down and write blog posts which cover, in considerable depth, topics that nobody is particularly interested in.

Similarly, it's easy to write a blog post covering an area that people are really interested in, but to give it a title containing keywords that nobody ever searches for.

3. Focus on producing long-form content

Studies show that ‘long-form content’ performs better in search results than short or 'thin' posts.  Long-from content refers to posts with high word counts that go into HUGE depth on a particular topic.

4. Keep your content fresh by updating existing posts

If you do any online research into blogging or SEO, you'll come across loads of articles which stress how important it is to create 'fresh' content in order to generate good search results and traffic to your site.

5. Accompany your blog with fabulous images

It’s REALLY important to use good images in any blog posts you

It helps readers get a sense of what you are writing about (this is particularly important if you are exploring difficult concepts

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